Annapurna Circuit Trek Map With Distance And Altitude

Eco Nepal Trekkers

Annapurna Circuit Trek map

The Annapurna Circuit, ranked among the great circuits in the world for trekking, is a magnificent journey through the Himalayas in Nepal. Besides, it reveals stunning views of green valleys, high mountains, and beautiful villages; it captures the cultural essence of the area. When heading on this epic adventure, understanding the layout and general features of the Annapurna Circuit trek map is crucial.

An Overview of the Annapurna Circuit Trek

The Annapurna Circuit covers a distance of 160-230 km and is completed in 12-21 days depending on which option and how fast one is a trekker.

This trail starts at Besisahar and ends at Nayapul passing through tough zones of high altitude, subtropical forest, cliffs, and barren terrains. The highest point of the trek is the Thorung La Pass which stands at 5,416 meters (17,769 feet); offering arguably spectacular views of the Annapurna Massif.

Understanding the Annapurna Circuit Trek Map: Key Features

Starting Point: Besisahar

Initially, the trek begins at Besisahar which is a 6-7 hours drive away from Kathmandu on a road. From here the trail goes through rice terrains, thick forests, and through a few villages before entering the Annapurna Conservation Area.

Trekking Itinerary and Stops(Annapurna Circuit Trek Map)

Besisahar to Jagat: 

It passes through such areas as the famous terraced fields and other peasant villages.

Jagat to Dharapani and Chame:

It goes along the Marshyangdi River and the path passes through the pin forest initially.

Chame to Pisang: 

It provides an excellent view of the Annapurna range and you will also pass through many villages with Tibetan-style architecture.

Pisang to Manang: 

This segment leads the trekkers to one of the biggest villages of the region providing the cultural experience of the place and the beautiful sight of Annapurna II & III.

Manang to Khangsar: 

Particularly acclimatization in Manang is important and even if the Gangapurna Lake is not very far from Manang, it is recommended to make side trips there.

Khangsar to Thorung La Pass: 

The climb to the Thorung La pass is a strenuous one but offers spectacular views. Here, trekkers climb and cross the highest point of the trek all of which has immense panoramic views.

Thorung La to Muktinath: 

This is a holy place of worship, a great tourist destination that is home to such great temples and historical landmarks.

Muktinath to Jomsom and Kalopani: 

This area is well known for its scenic views and it can provide a good stopover before continuing towards the ‘home stretch’.

Jomsom to Nayapul: 

The last phase of the trek can be done in a few days which brings the trekker towards Nayapul thereby ending the trek.

Important Landmarks and Attractions(Annapurna Circuit Trek Map)

Annapurna II, III, and IV: The iconic peaks that define the Annapurna range.

Gangapurna Glacier: A mesmerizing glacier that showcases the raw beauty of the Himalayas.

Muktinath Temple: A spiritual site revered by both Hindus and Buddhists.

Manang Village: A vibrant community that serves as a cultural hub for trekkers.

Navigational Aids: Utilizing the Annapurna Circuit Trek Map

For the Annapurna Circuit trek, it is necessary to have a map that signifies potential tracks, elevation, villages, and terrains. Topographic maps are also available in downloadable form, as well as GPS track files which are helpful in the navigation.

Elevation Profiles: 

It is very important to recognize that where there is a trek then there are changes in the elevation so that acclimatization can occur. Sometimes movement trajectories are accompanied by elevation diagrams so that having seen the maps the trekkers can be ready for each part of the path.

Trail Markings: 

The trails are well-marked with signs and stone milestones; however, it is always very reassuring to have a map when exploring the more out-of-the-way areas.

Water Sources and Stops: 

Water is available at many places of the trek but some of the parts of it do not have clear sources of water. These often feature known points of water and a place to offload and get a bed for the night.

Cultural Sites: 

Trekking is enhanced by visits to monasteries, temples, and heritage sites along the trail Visiting monasteries, temples, and heritage zones added value to the trekking experience.

Preparing for the Annapurna Circuit Trek

Before setting off on the Annapurna Circuit, proper preparation is essential:

Trekking Permits:

Get the TIMS card and the ACAP, the permits necessary for a legal trek in the region.

click here for more details: Annapurna Circuit Trek Permit

Physical Fitness: 

Trekking requires one to be in good shape since it involves climbing and numerous downhill trips as well.

Gear and Packing: 

Other necessities are proper footwear for tough terrains which are trekking boots, several sets of clothes, sleeping bags, and trekking sticks, among others. It’s advisable to check a list of packing essentials to have a clue of how prepared you are.

Managing the Budget: 

On average the total cost for the Annapurna circuit trek will cost you anywhere between 800$ – 1800$ per person.

For detailed costs check here: Annapurna Circuit Trek Cost Breakdown


The Annapurna Circuit Trek is, indeed, an unforgettable adventure that takes people through the heart of Nepal, its stunning landscapes, and its diverse heritage. Thus, those who will prepare and have a well-marked map, as well as a positive attitude, will enjoy the beauty of this area.

From the most professional trekkers to the first-time hitters, the Annapurna circuit is a treasure trove of memories and views to cherish for a lifetime. Well, therefore, tie your boots, pick your compass, and pack your bags for an interesting trip to the central part of the Himalayas! 

Make Eco Nepal Trekkers  Your trusted trekking partner on this incredible journey. We will arrange everything that is required for this trek like cost, permit, guide and porter, food and accommodation, transportation, and so on. For booking call us at  Phone: +977-9813322433 or mail us at [email protected].

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