Annapurna Circuit Trek – 15 Days


USD 1390

Trip Duration

15 Days

Trip Grade


Highest Altitude

Thorong La Pass (5,416 m/17,769 ft)




Tourist bus/Domestic Flight

Group Size

Min. 2 pax

Best Season

Spring (Mar-may) & Autumn (Sep-Nov)

Annapurna Circuit Trek – 15 Days Brief Insight

The Annapurna Circuit trek is a great classic in Nepal’s northwest region. It’s one of Nepal’s most famous treks, located within the Annapurna protection region, and it offers a wide range of great natural and cultural attractions. 

Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of the world’s most famous treks. Dramatic deep gorges, solitary high mountain routes, amazing viewpoints (Poon Hill), hot springs, Buddhist and Hindu temples, charming farming towns, and stunning views of the Annapurna ranges are all highlights of this walk. 

The thrilling Annapurna circuit trip is for anyone who wants to face some of the world’s tallest and most magnificent mountains. For most hikers, it’s been the ultimate hiking destination. 

Our Annapurna Circuit Trek Itinerary has been carefully designed to be a high altitude sickness-friendly trek, allowing us to take a few extra days for acclimatization during the tour. 

Because the trek takes you to altitudes near the world’s highest peaks, your body will require adequate glucose, protein, and sustenance. While you will be provided with healthful food throughout the walk, you may not have access to all of the alternatives offered in larger cities. As a result, you must be mindful of your eating habits. 

The Annapurna Circuit trek begins from Kathmandu. Drive from Kathmandu to Bhulbhule west of Kathmandu and trek from Bhulbhule to Jagat to Dharapani to Chame to Pisang to Manang. 

You will have an acclimatization day at Manang for the first time during the Annapurna Circuit trek. Manang is a Nepalese district located in the country’s northwestern region. Gorkha, Kaski, Lamjung, and Mustang communities all share a border with Manang. In the north, it is bordered by Tibet. 

The elevation in this area exceeds 1830 meters. Manang is 2170 square kilometers in size. Mountain ranges, Manaslu, Muktinath, and others surround the Manang district. Three eco zones exist in the Manang district. 

Related aritcle [ Annapurna Circuit trek permit, Guide and porter hire for Annapurna Circuit trek, Annapurna Circuit trek cost, Annapurna Circuit trek Map, Chances of alitude sickness during Annapurna Circuit trek ]

Highlights of Annapurna Circuit Trek – 15 Days

  • Pokhara, the city of lakes, is a sight to behold. 
  • Throughout the drive, take in the spectacular vistas of the mountains.
  • Gandruk is one of Nepal’s most picturesque villages.
  • Enjoy excellent walking and breathtaking landscapes without having to worry about acclimatization. 
  • Enjoy the trekking routes that continue uphill through a beautiful, diverse setting of terraced terrace farms and lush woods of oaks, magnolias, and rhododendron trees.
  • Witness a wide range of natural sights, including spectacular views of snow-capped mountains and a tranquil setting.

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft)
  • Day 02: Drive from Kathmandu to Jagat (1,300 m/4,265 ft), 10 hrs
  • Day 03: Trekking from Jagat to Dharapani (1,860 m/6,102 ft), 7 hrs
  • Day 04: Trekking from Dharapani to Chame (2,610 m/8,563 ft), 6 hrs
  • Day 05: Trekking from Chame to Pisang (3,300 m/10,827 ft), 5 hrs
  • Day 06: Trekking from Pisang to Manang (3,540 m/11,614 ft), 6 hrs
  • Day 07: Acclimatization day at Manang (3,540 m/11,614 ft)
  • Day 08: Trekking from Manang to Yak Kharka (4,050 m/13,287 ft), 4 hrs
  • Day 09: Trekking from Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4,525 m/14,846 ft), 3 hrs
  • Day 10: Trekking from Thorong Phedi to Muktinath Temple (3,760 m/12,336 ft) via Thorong La Pass (5,416 m/17,769 ft), 9 hrs
  • Day 11: Trekking from Muktinath to Jomsom (2,750 m/9,022 ft), 6 hrs
  • Day 12: Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara (827 m/2,713 ft), 30 min
  • Day 13: Drive back to Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft), 6-7 hrs
  • Day 14: Sightseeing in Kathmandu
  • Day 15: Final Departure

Detailed Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft)

Trek Distance :


Highest Altitude :

Katmandu (1350m/4,429 ft)

Trek Duration :


Meals :


When you get to Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, a friendly person will be there to greet you. They’ll drive you to your hotel in a place called Thamel, which is a popular spot for tourists.

Once you’re at the hotel, you can relax and get used to the new place. Look around and enjoy the special atmosphere of Kathmandu. You’re about to have some exciting adventures in this amazing land of mountains and friendly people!

Day 02: Drive from Kathmandu to Jagat (1,300 m/4,265 ft), 10 hrs

Trek Distance :

206.1 km

Highest Altitude :

Jagat (1,300 m/4,265 ft)

Trek Duration :

10 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

We start our journey from Kathmandu very early in the morning, heading 190 kilometers to Besishar. Along the way, you’ll be treated to the sight of charming villages, lush farmlands, meandering rivers, and glimpses of stunning mountain ranges, making the trip a treat for your eyes. Since we’ll be using a local bus, there’s a possibility of unexpected traffic or other delays when switching buses in Besishar, which could slow down our progress towards Jagat.

Day 03: Trekking from Jagat to Dharapani (1,860 m/6,102 ft), 7 hrs

Trek Distance :

15 km

Highest Altitude :

Dharapani (1,860 m/6,102 ft)

Trek Duration :

6-7 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

On the third day of our journey, we kick things off with breakfast. Then, we undertake an adventure by crossing a hanging bridge and climbing up a steep hill into the beautiful Manang region. During our trek, we’ll spot numerous waterfalls that come together to create a river with lovely sandy shores.

As we trek further, we’ll pass by fields of barley, rice, and potatoes, and we’ll reach the village of Kodo, which happens to be one of the biggest in the Manang Valley. Another suspension bridge awaits us, and after a short ascent up the stone Kani, we’ll reach our destination, Dharapani.

Day 04: Trekking from Dharapani to Chame (2,610 m/8,563 ft), 6 hrs

Trek Distance :

15.5 km

Highest Altitude :

Chame (2,610 m/8,563 ft)

Trek Duration :

5-6 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

Today, our journey leads us through a lush forest filled with pine, fir, oak, and maple trees that runs alongside a river. Our destination is Chame, the main town of the Manang district.

As we walk, we’ll be surrounded by vibrant greenery, and we’ll be treated to magnificent views of mountains like Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II, and Annapurna IV, which stands at 7,525 meters. Along the way, we’ll even take a break to relax in some small hot springs.

Day 05: Trekking from Chame to Pisang (3,300 m/10,827 ft), 5 hrs

Trek Distance :

13.7 km

Highest Altitude :

Pisang (3,300 m/10,827 ft)

Trek Duration :

5-6 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

We descend into a small valley to catch our very first view of Paungda Danda, a curvy rock wall that rises 1,500 meters above the river. From this vantage point, we can also spot Annapurna 2 to the south and Pisang Peak in the northeast. Afterward, we continue our journey down to reach the flat terrain of the Manang Valley, and our final destination for the day is the Pisang.

Day 06: Trekking from Pisang to Manang (3,540 m/11,614 ft), 6 hrs

Trek Distance :

15.7 km

Highest Altitude :

Manang (3,540 m/11,614 ft)

Trek Duration :

5-6 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

We trek along the upper trail that takes us through upper Pisang and Geru. This route treats us to breathtaking views of the northern sides of Annapurna II, III, IV, Gangapurna, Tilicho, and Pisang Peak. As we ascend, the air gets colder, drier, and a bit harsher.

Along the way, we pass through Tibetan communities, and we can take a short break at Barge Monastery, the largest monastery in Manang. This is a great opportunity to immerse ourselves in the teachings and culture of Buddhism.

Day 07: Acclimatization day at Manang (3,540 m/11,614 ft)

Trek Distance :


Highest Altitude :

Manang (3,540 m/11,614 ft)

Trek Duration :


Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

We dedicate the day to adjusting to the high altitude by taking in the stunning sights of Annapurna III, Tilicho, Pisang, and Chulu Peaks. Today, we explore Manang Village and its monasteries in order to acclimate to the increasing altitude.

In the morning, we hike up to Gangapurna Lake and Base Camp, where we continue to enjoy the breathtaking views of Annapurna III, Tilicho, Pisang, and Chulu Peaks.

Day 08: Trekking from Manang to Yak Kharka (4,050 m/13,287 ft), 4 hrs

Trek Distance :

10.8 km

Highest Altitude :

Yak Kharka (4,050 m/13,287 ft)

Trek Duration :

3-4 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

Our journey begins in Manang village, where we follow a path that winds alongside a picturesque stream and takes us uphill toward the charming village of Tenki.

Continuing on our adventure, the trail leads us to climb even higher, leaving the Marshyangdi Valley behind and turning northwest into the beautiful Jarsang Khola Valley. Along the way, we are treated to the peaceful scenery of meadows and groups of juniper trees. As we steadily ascend, we find ourselves immersed in the calmness of our surroundings.

Further along the path, we reach the modest village of Ghunsa, situated just below the trail, with its unique flat mud roofs. Continuing our journey, the trail opens up to vast meadows where horses and yaks peacefully graze, leading us to Yak Karka.

Day 09: Trekking from Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4,525 m/14,846 ft), 3 hrs

Trek Distance :

6.5 km

Highest Altitude :

Thorong Phedi (4,525 m/14,846 ft)

Trek Duration :

3-4 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

Our journey takes us to Throng Phedi, a lively place that provides for the needs of tired hikers and climbers. It’s a base camp for different groups, including ours. Some in our group may want to trek to the High Camp today to make tomorrow’s trek easier.

Day 10: Trekking from Thorong Phedi to Muktinath Temple (3,760 m/12,336 ft) via Thorong La Pass (5,416 m/17,769 ft), 9 hrs

Trek Distance :

16.4 km

Highest Altitude :

Muktinath Temple (3,760 m/12,336 ft) via Thorong La Pass (5,416 m/17,769 ft)

Trek Duration :

9-10 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

We kick off our ascent bright and early, ready to tackle the steep climb right from the start. As we get closer to the mountain pass, the path becomes a bit mushy due to melting snow. After carefully making our way over rocky ridges, we finally reach the summit of Thorong La Pass at 5416 meters. The view from up there, with snow-covered peaks and the impressive Kali Gandaki gorge, is breathtaking.

Heading down, we descend quite rapidly and eventually arrive at the sacred place of Muktinath, sitting at an altitude of 3800 meters. Muktinath is a spot where various cultures come together.

Day 11: Trekking from Muktinath to Jomsom (2,750 m/9,022 ft), 6 hrs

Trek Distance :

20.2 km

Highest Altitude :

Jomsom (2,750 m/9,022 ft)

Trek Duration :

5-6 hrs

Meals :

Breakfast /Lunch /Dinner

Saying goodbye to the sacred Muktinath temple, we set off on the final stretch of the amazing Annapurna Circuit Trek, leading us to the charming town of Jomsom.

During this scenic hike, we are treated to breathtaking views of snow-covered peaks, winding valleys, and beautiful waterfalls, creating a stunning natural backdrop.

The journey from Muktinath to Jomsom marks the grand finale of an unforgettable adventure, leaving us with lasting memories of the awe-inspiring Himalayan landscapes.

Day 12: Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara (827 m/2,713 ft), 30 min

Trek Distance :

158.6 km

Highest Altitude :

Pokhara (827 m/2,713 ft)

Trek Duration :

30 minutes

Meals :


The trip from Jomsom to Pokhara usually starts with a morning flight. After you’ve settled into your comfortable hotel in Pokhara, take some time to do a bit of shopping and unwind by the lakeside with a refreshing drink before dinner.

Day 13: Drive back to Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft), 6-7 hrs

Trek Distance :

201.2 km

Highest Altitude :

Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft)

Trek Duration :

6-7 hrs

Meals :


Following our farewell to Pokhara, we embark on a lovely journey back to Kathmandu. While on this trip, you’ll have the chance to soak in the stunning scenery and the delightful rural atmosphere of Nepal.

Once you reach Kathmandu, get yourself settled in your hotel, and then you can choose to relax or explore the bustling city for one last time.

Day 14: Sightseeing in Kathmandu

Trek Distance :


Highest Altitude :

Kathmandu (1,350 m/4,429 ft)

Trek Duration :

5-6 hrs

Meals :

Farewell Dinner

Spend a day exploring the vibrant city of Kathmandu. Explore its captivating cultural and historical treasures, such as the sacred Pashupatinath Temple, the peaceful Boudhanath Stupa, the ancient Swayambhunath Stupa (known as the Monkey Temple), and Kathmandu Durbar Square.

By visiting these renowned sites, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into Nepal’s abundant culture and spirituality. You can also appreciate the beauty of Kathmandu, its intriguing architecture, and its lively atmosphere.

Day 15: Final Departure

The time has come for your departure. We’ll be here to assist you with any final preparations and ensure your smooth transfer to the airport for your journey back home. If you decide to extend your stay in Nepal, we hope you have a wonderful time, and we’re ready to help you with any arrangements for your next adventure.

What is included in Annapurna Circuit Trek – 15 Days

  • Airport Pick up and Drop
  • Private Transportation from Kathmandu to Jagat
  • Transportation from Jomsom to Pokhara and Pokhara to Kathmandu by tourist bus
  • 3 nights hotel accommodation in Kathmandu on a sharing basis with breakfast
  • 1-night hotel accommodation in Pokhara on a sharing basis with breakfast
  • Your main meals are Breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the trek
  • 3 times cup of tea or coffee during the trek
  • Seasonal Fruits every evening during the trek
  • Annapurna Conversation Area (ACAP) and TIMS Permit
  • All accommodations will be Tea Houses and Lodges during the trek
  • Tour Guide for Kathmandu Sightseeing
  • Experienced and Government license holder trekking guide
  • porter will be available during the trek to carry your luggage 2 clients- 1 Porter
  • All transportation as per itinerary
  • Farewell dinner in Kathmandu with a typical Nepali restaurant
  • Achievement Certificate after completing the Trip
  • All expenses related to Guide And Porter (wages, accommodation, meals, gear, insurance, and required medications will be covered.)
  • First Aid Box during the trek
  • Emergency helicopter rescue is available and the cost must be paid by your travel insurance company
  • Government taxes, VAT, and office service charge

What is Excluded

  • Nepal entry visa fee
  • The international flight fare and airport tax
  • Travel insurance, including high-altitude emergency evacuation coverage
  • Your Personal Gear And Equipment for Trekking
  • Lunch and dinner meals in Kathmandu
  • Kathmandu Sightseeing entrance fee
  • Your expenses and personal hygiene such as Hot Shower, WiFi, bar and beverages bills, alcohol drinks, Mineral water, hot water, and telephones during the trek
  • Tips for your Trekking Guide & Porter

Trip Map

When to Visit Annapurna Circuit Trek

Understanding the various seasons and their suitability is essential while preparing for your trip to the Annapurna Circuit Trek. Let’s explore the many seasons, each of which offers a distinctive experience:

Spring (March to May)

Spring is one of the greatest times to start the Annapurna Circuit trek. With moderate temperatures and sunny skies, the weather is generally nice.

Rhododendron blooms are in full bloom along the route, transforming the area into a beautiful scene. It’s important to remember that springtime can sometimes bring random rains, so be ready for some rain.

Summer/Monsoon (June to August):

The Annapurna region has significant rainfall throughout the summer or monsoon season. Trekking can be difficult and sometimes dangerous due to the muddy and slippery nature of the routes.

Floods and landslides are also frequent during this season. As a result, it is not advised to travel to the Annapurna Circuit during the rainy season.

Autumn (September to November)

Another popular time for trekking the Annapurna Circuit is in the autumn. Generally speaking, the weather is consistent, with bright skies and pleasant temperatures.

With superb vision and a backdrop of rich vegetation, the mountains can be seen in their entirety. On the other hand, autumn is a festive season. Major festivals like Dashain and Tihar are celebrated during this period, making it more appealing. This time of year is frequently seen as the ideal one to start the trek.

Winter (December to February)

The Annapurna region has chilly temperatures and snowfall during the winter. Trekkers could face cold conditions at the trek’s upper altitudes, making the terrain difficult.

Winter can provide a tranquil and less crowded experience if you are well-prepared and have previous experience trekking in freezing weather. It’s crucial to be aware that some trail sections may not be accessible or blocked due to a lot of snow.

Annapurna Circuit Trek Difficulty

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is moderate to challenging in difficulty. You should be reasonably fit and have some prior hiking knowledge. The trail features a variety of terrains, including small stretches, rocky trails, and steep slopes.

At Thorong La Pass, the altitude exceeds 5,000 metres, which is a factor. This may result in weariness, altitude sickness, and shortness of breath.

With longer days in difficult areas, the journey takes 15 to 20 days to complete 200 kilometres of walking at a pace of 5 to 6 hours per day. Despite the difficulties, the walk delivers excellent benefits, including sensational vistas and unique cultural experiences.

A slow pace, proper acclimatisation, and physical readiness are crucial. Safety and enjoyment can be increased by getting regular fitness prior and hiring a guide. The Annapurna Circuit Trek is a trip to remember with proper planning, determination, and a good mindset.

Packing List for Annapurna Circuit Trek

Head Gear

  • Trekking Hat or Cap/Sun Hat
  • Buff or Neck Gaiter
  • Sunglasses
  • Face Mask
  • Bandana


  • Hiking Gloves
  • Liner Gloves
  • Waterproof/Windproof Gloves
  • Hand Warmers


  • Base Layer (top and bottom)
  • Fleece Jacket
  • Insulated Jacket/Down Jacket
  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Trekking Pants/Convertible Pants
  • Long-sleeve Shirts
  • Rain Pants
  • Thermal Underwear
  • Sports Bra (for women)
  • Swimsuit (for hot springs)


  • Hiking Boots
  • Thin Socks
  • Cotton Socks
  • Gaiters (optional)
  • Camp Shoes or Sandals

Essential Trekking Equipments

  • Backpack
  • Trekking Poles
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Sleeping Pad
  • Water Bottles/Bladder
  • Headlamp/Flashlight
  • Trekking Map/Guidebook
  • Compass
  • First Aid Kit
  • Duct Tape
  • Whistle
  • Multi-tool/Knife
  • Waterproof Bags/Covers

Other Essentials

  • Trekking Watch/Altimeter
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect Repellent
  • Lip Balm
  • Toilet Paper/Wet Wipes
  • Portable Phone Charger
  • Camera (optional)

Dates of Trip


$1390Save $200

15 Days
October 7, 2024 - October 21, 2024

$1390Save $200

15 Days
October 5, 2024 - October 19, 2024

Group Discount Prices

No. of Persons
Price per Person
1 Pax
2 Paxes
3 Paxes
4 - 6 Paxes
7 - 9 Paxes
10 - 18 Paxes

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Annapurna Circuit Trek a difficult one?
No prior climbing expertise is required for trekkers. It's also a well-traveled hiking trail. Many tea houses have been established along the paths, and finding one for overnight stays should not be difficult. Although the circuit walk is strenuous, the golden rule is to walk slowly and consistently. Because the Annapurna Circuit Trek requires a level of physical fitness, you must be in good health for this trek.
Is Annapurna Circuit Trekking suitable for people of all ages?
The trek to Annapurna Circuit has no age limit, but you must be in good physical condition and have a positive mindset. We also urge that you consult your doctor before embarking on the excursion to obtain the necessary authorization and guidance, as well as medications for high-altitude travel.
What type of lodging will be available on the Annapurna Circuit Trek?
For the Annapurna Circuit Trekking, a teahouse trekking lodging will be arranged for you, where you will be able to stay at a tea house (local lodge) and enjoy nourishing cuisine and a neat and clean comfy bed throughout your trip. This approach also allows you to carry less luggage and hike at your own pace, allowing you to take in the Annapurna vista on your own time. It is also an environmentally beneficial method of hiking that will enable hikers to interact more with the locals.
Is hiring a guide or porter necessary for the trek?
Although it is not required, hiring a guide or porter can improve your trekking experience. A guide can offer insightful information, traverse the course, and help with any problems that might crop up. You can enjoy the journey without having to carry a big load with the help of a porter.
What is the best time for Annapurna Circuit Trek?
Autumn (September to November) and spring (March to May) are the optimum seasons for Annapurna Circuit Trekking (March to May). The days are sunny and bright, with beautiful blue skies. As a result, you'll get some great views of the Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri peaks.
Is it possible to suffer altitude sickness?
Because the Annapurna Circuit is a high-altitude journey that begins at 1000 meters and ascends to 5416 meters at Thorong La Pass, altitude sickness is possible. No matter how athletic or experienced a hiker they are, everyone reacts differently to the altitude.
Does insurance cover Annapurna Circuit Trekking?
Before traveling to Nepal for the Annapurna Circuit Trek, make sure you have medical and evacuation insurance. When traveling to a Himalayan country like Nepal, you should be cautious when purchasing an insurance policy because certain insurance providers may make unique exceptions for adventure travel. It is always prefer able to get travel insurance in your own country before departure.

Facebook Reviews

  • Had my first trekking experience with Eco Nepal TrekkersMade it to EBC despite all the technical difficulties (flight cancellations etc). The team is very friendly and experienced, plan B kicks... read more

    Shang Lei Avatar Shang Lei
    April 4, 2023

    My first trekking experience with Eco Nepal Trekkers Made it to Everest Base Camp Trek. The team is very friendly and experienced, Our Guide Chhewang is superb, he could tell... read more

    Kalpana Tamang Avatar Kalpana Tamang
    November 19, 2023

    Eco Nepal Trekkers were really caring, kind and positive during the whole trek. Excellent organisation and great attitude. It was a pleasure to share three weeks with them and I... read more

    Gergana Nikolova Avatar Gergana Nikolova
    November 10, 2022
  • We had an amazing trekking experience in the Himalayan mountains thanks to the amazing people from Eco Nepal Trekkers! Pemba and his team took great care of us and showed... read more

    Vess Foteva Avatar Vess Foteva
    May 24, 2023

    Thanks a lot to Eco Nepal Trekkers Team for giving us an unforgettable experience! Everything was smoothly organized, it was especially impressive how Pemba took good care of a member... read more

    Darina Danailova Avatar Darina Danailova
    May 24, 2023

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  • My first trek in Nepal (to Annapurna sanctuary and base camp) and my first trek with Eco Nepal Trekkers & Expedition. A team of professionals who made the experience unforgettable,... read more

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    agent Zhekov Avatar agent Zhekov
    June 21, 2024

    I recently embarked on an unforgettable journey to Everest Base Camp via Gokyo Lake with Eco Nepal Trekkers And Expedition, and I can confidently say it was one of the... read more

    Shang Lei Avatar Shang Lei
    April 21, 2024

    A wonderful team of reliable guides and porters. Highly recommended the company.

    Lada Strelkova Avatar Lada Strelkova
    May 21, 2024
  • Embarking on the 12-day Annapurna Base Camp trek organized by Eco Nepal Trekkers & Expedition was an unforgettable journey. From start to finish, the team's care and reliability ensured a... read more

    kalina micheva Avatar kalina micheva
    May 21, 2024

    I had a truly amazing experience on my way from Kathmandu to Everest Base Camp and back. Kiran was our guide and Aaron as our porter thank you for... read more

    Jessy Tan Avatar Jessy Tan
    November 21, 2023

    From Kathmandu to Lukla we flight into the SAGAMATHA National Park where is highest mountain area of the world. What a beautiful and amazing places to visit. We follow the... read more

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    陳筱錚 Avatar 陳筱錚
    June 21, 2024
  • I recently had the privilege of embarking on the Annapurna Base Camp Trek with Eco Nepal Trekkers and Expedition, and I must say, it was an unforgettable journey thanks to... read more

    Linda Khor Soon Avatar Linda Khor
    April 21, 2024